Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New Baby Tickers

Just a reminder to check out my new baby countdowns. The old ones didn't have any developmental info, which is what I really like about these. I can't wait to see what he/she will be up to next week!

It's no wonder I don't feel so great - the little stinker is in there peein' all over the place...

Friday, September 26, 2008

Miranda Lambert / Kenny Chesney Pics

I have added a slideshow to the bottom of my blog with pictures from the Kenny Chesney concert. This was the only way to do it so that the pictures were big enough to actually see anything. If you want to comment on the pictures, you can do it on this post.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Pudding Poll

Well - today I had chocolate pudding - and it just didn't give me the same "warm fuzzies" that I got from the butterscotch yesterday. So hopefully, Randy likes the chocolate better and our variety pack will be well appreciated!

In honor of pudding, I have added a poll to my blog. Rather than voting for favorite flavors of pudding, though, I decided we should vote on who likes that skin that forms on the top of the pudding.

Have fun!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Butterscotch Pudding


It is my firm belief that butterscotch pudding just might be God's greatest invention ever!!!

At least for today anyway :-รพ

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lovely Weather We're Having!

Since my blog is linked to Runners World Tulsa's blog, I feel like maybe I should post a little something about my "running." I doubt that I'll be kicked off the blog roll if I don't do it, but just to be safe...

Wow! I can't believe the incredible weather we're having. I'm absolutely loving it! Of course, I would love it better if I could actually run... Pregnancy certainly has it's ups and downs - and one of the downs is that the whole up-and-down motion of running makes me sick right now. So instead, I go out and walk. I don't always feel great, and I don't always enjoy it, but it is good for me and the baby.

As I read the blogs of other group members, I am often jealous - but also very proud of them. I remember what it was like to train for my first marathon - the joy, the frustration, the pain, the food... It is a major commitment, and for some of the runners, it may be a piece of cake - while for others, it will be the hardest thing they will ever do. I hope they are relishing every moment of it, because it kills me that I'm not out there with them doing it all over again!

Don't get me wrong - I'm so blessed to have this experience of being pregnant! I don't want it to sound like I wish I weren't so that my running wouldn't have to suffer. But the truth is, pregnancy has effected my running, along with my eating, my sleeping, and most every other aspect of my life. I just wasn't prepared for my transition from "Runner Girl" to "Runner Mommy" to happen so early! I knew there was a possibility of getting pregnant before the marathon, but I totally had it worked out in my head that I was going to just keep right on running until my body said "no". Of course, this is exactly what I did - I just wasn't expecting my body to say "no" after only 1 month! I was thinking more like 6-7 months...

People keep telling me that I'll feel better after the first trimester, which is just a few more weeks. So I guess I'll give running another shot then. But until then, I'll just be walking, and walking, and walking.

By the way, my friend Trail Zombie has a "Tick Counter" on his blog, where he keeps track of how many ticks he picks up while out running, working in the yard, etc. He suggested that I keep track of how many times I puke while I'm pregnant, so I have added "Preggo Pukes" to the left side of my blog - for those of you who are interested in that kinda stuff. Another friend, Roman, suggested that I take pictures of said pukings and post them on the blog, but I just don't think I can do that. Yuck - just the thought of it makes me feel like I want to go puke again...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pregnancy Tip Revised

So, yesterday, I didn't eat breakfast and I got sick. This morning, I did eat breakfast, and I still got sick - dang it!! I thought I had this all figured out!

I wouldn't be so bothered by this, if I felt like I was going to be sick. No - I actually feel pretty good today. Felt pretty good yesterday too, for that matter. And the last two weeks, since my doctor changed my prenatal vitamin. I've had a good appetite, been able to eat pretty much anything, so I don't understand why I'm getting sick now.

How annoying!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Pregnancy Tip Of The Day

For some of you, this may be TMI. While some others of you will appreciate this helpful info!

Apparently, waking up at 6 am and waiting to eat breakfast at 10 am is a REALLY BAD idea!

Wow! I was feeling okay this morning - a little rushed because Randy overslept - but pretty decent. No hints of nausea or anything. I wasn't feeling very hungry, so I grabbed a package of oatmeal to take to work. Got busy and wasn't really thinking about eating - just working and drinking my water. Maybe a little too much water... Right around 10, I decided I needed a bathroom break, and since I was already up I figured I'd go ahead and heat up my oatmeal. While my oatmeal was doing it's thing in the kitchen, and I was doing mine in the bathroom, I suddenly realized that I was going to be sick. BAM! Just like that! No warnings, no queasiness, nothing. And I was doing so well with the "no sickness" thing...

Guess I won't do that again. Maybe I can get Randy to start making me some toast before he leaves in the morning...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I <3 Kenny!

Awesome show! Will have a full report next week when I can post from a computer instead of my phone. Good night!

Don't Blink

We're going to see Kenny Chesney in concert tonight, and it got me thinking about his song "Don't Blink" The chorus:

Don't blink,
Just like that you're six years old
And you take a nap
And you wake up and you're 25
Then your high school sweetheart becomes your wife.
Don't blink,
You just might miss your babies growing like mine did
Turnin' into moms and dads
Next thing you know your better half of 50 years
Is there in bed and you're prayin' God takes you instead
Trust me friend, 100 years goes faster than you think
So don't blink.

Right now, it's hard enough to grasp the fact that I'm going to be a mother in April - let alone the fact that my little unborn child may have children of his/her own someday. I don't want to miss out on anything, but already it seems to be going by so fast! Maybe part of that is that I really am just napping through everything right now! But I can't believe that it's already been over 5 weeks since I found out I was expecting. Our little baby has already grown so much!

From -
How your baby's growing:Your new resident is nearly an inch long — about the size of a medium green olive — and weighs just a fraction of an ounce. She's starting to look more and more human. Her essential body parts are accounted for, though they'll go through plenty of fine-tuning in the coming months. Other changes abound: Your baby's heart finishes dividing into four chambers, and the valves start to form — as do her tiny teeth. The embryonic "tail" is completely gone. Your baby's organs, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear. The external sex organs are there but won't be distinguishable as male or female for another few weeks. Her eyes are fully formed, but her eyelids are fused shut and won't open until 27 weeks. She has tiny earlobes, and her mouth, nose, and nostrils are more distinct. The placenta is developed enough now to take over most of the critical job of producing hormones. Now that your baby's basic physiology is in place, she's poised for rapid weight gain.

In a previous week I learned that his/her heart is already beating - not even an inch long and he/she has a teeny, tiny, beating heart!! I can't even wrap my head around it!

Anyway, we had a very busy weekend, and I'm going to be off work the next 2 day - which hopefully will give me some much needed rest! If I remember correctly, I had a pretty bad headache when I got home on Friday, so I just went to bed. I got up early Saturday and met my running group and walked/jogged a couple miles. I probably could have gone the full 4 that I had planned on, but it was cold and pouring down rain, so I gave up a little early. At least I made an effort! It worked out okay though, because if I'd stayed any longer I would have been late for my friend's Pampered Chef party. I got an awesome bamboo serving bowl, and some bamboo spatulas. If you haven't seen their bamboo products, you're really missing out! My collection is growing quite nicely! After that party, I headed over to another party. A baby shower to be more specific. One of my running friends is due this month, so it was fun to see her and see what great stuff she got! I don't remember what I did after that, so I'm assuming I went home and went to sleep! Sunday brought Church, and the first Sunday of the month is always communion, which I particularly enjoy. Sunday also brought another baby shower! Actually, it was a Mad-Hatter's Un-Birthday Party for Lindsay's baby-on-the-way. Coach Kathy made a ton of fabulous food and we had fun in our silly hats! If you've never had a sampling of Kathy's cooking, you are REALLY missing out! I was so full, that I couldn't eat the rest of the day. The rest of the day consisted of a cook-out with my family. We had some family in town from Colorado and everyone got together at my parents house to visit. Probably won't get to see my aunts and cousins that came for another year, so I'm glad we went! Monday after work, I babysat a little boy that I've been watching for 4 years - and told his parents the good news. They are very happy for us, but also a little disappointed that they will be losing their babysitter! Didn't get home until after 11, and then had another late night last night, and will be having another late night tonight. So I'm really looking forward to my time off! (And looking forward to seeing Kenny in those jeans....) ;-)

Friday, September 5, 2008

First Appointment

Yesterday I had my first prenatal appointment! Yippee!!

It really wasn't anything exciting, but maybe that was because I was so tired, I could barely keep my eyes open! I just went over some general medical history with my doctor, she did a quick exam, answered any questions that I had, gave me a prescription for some prenatal vitamins (with DHA to help with brain development!), and then sent me to the lab for blood work. Having all that blood drawn wasn't a lot of fun, and it left me feeling even more tired. After that, I went back to work for about an hour, and then went and met with my running group to share the news. Some of them had been suspecting something for a few weeks, so it felt good to let them know!

Stopped at KFC to pick up dinner on my way home, and went to bed early. It didn't help much, though because Randy kept me up all night with his allergy problems. So again, I'm tired and I just want to take a nap!!!! He may just have to sleep on the couch tonight - or I will. I have a lot to do tomorrow, and I can't take much more of this fatigue...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Weekend Update

Sometimes (especially when I first started this blog) I try to come up with creative titles for my posts. You know, something catchy, to draw the readers in. But sometimes, I just go with something basic. This post will be about my not so exciting weekend, so I don't feel that it deserves a great title. It is what is.

Thursday, I met with my group and ended up walking 2 miles with Susan. I'm sure I've mentioned her in other posts, but just to refresh, she has a heart condition that has kept her from running. Her doctor has recently allowed her to start walking, and adding some light jogging, but she has to really watch her heart rate and her pace. I always enjoy having time to talk with her and I'm so glad to see her back out on the trails a little bit more and more! After our walk, we went back to the store, and had some cake - compliments of Ken's wife, Dana. She makes the best desserts! This cake happened to look like a cat, and at one time, there were little mini kitten-cakes to go with it as well. My favorite part was the cream cheese frosting! Yum!! After the cake, I made it home just in time to have burgers with our neighbors! I love cooking, but I also love the days when I don't have to!

Since Friday is soccer practice for the aforementioned neighbors, I volunteered to make dinner for them on Friday night. It's a cycle we repeat often! I had dinner again with them on Saturday while Randy was out playing golf, and then I make pot roast on Sunday, which they joined us for. Sandwiches for lunch and homemade pizza for dinner both at their house yesterday, and we will probably start the whole thing over again with dinner at our house on Friday.

Saturday morning, I went and met my group (at least I tried to). I was running a little late, so I didn't get there in time to lead my group, but I went off on my run anyway. Less than a mile in, I caught up with Susan and my mom! I was quite surprised, because my mom's work schedule has prevented her from coming out and running with us. Apparently she has a new supervisor who is willing to let her leave early on Saturday mornings to come run! Yay!! She's training for the Tulsa Run, but since she hasn't run in a few months, she's going to have to start slow and work her way up. We probably did about 4 miles, and we just took it easy and walked and jogged a bit. It's hard to jog anyway, when we had to keep stopping for her to say hi to group members that she hasn't seen in ages!

I didn't do anything special after my run. Just went home, and relaxed. Randy was gone most of the day, so it was nice to have the house/couch to myself!

Sunday was church, and pot roast for dinner (cooked in my crock pot all day long). I tried something new, and was pretty much just winging it - using bits of what my mom did with her pot roast and bits of recipes from my favorite cookbooks. I was pleased with the results and everyone else seemed to be too, because I only had enough left over for one lunch! Definitely worth repeating!

Spent most of Labor Day doing absolutely nothing! Had lunch with the neighbors and a few other friends before heading off with them to the city pool for a few hours. By the time we got back, all of the kids were starving, so we made little mini pizzas. It definitely hit the spot!

And now, it is Tuesday. I'm glad that I remembered this morning that it is Tuesday and not Monday. Otherwise, I would have forgotten my running gear, and we just can't have that! Hoping for a good run today, and maybe the effects from Gustav will help it cool down a bit!