For a new post, that is!
With my due date looming just 58 days away, I have so many things going on in my head! We started our childbirth classes a couple weeks ago, and that has been good. I have learned a ton already, and we still have 2 more weeks to go. I also saw my doctor today (I'm going every 2 weeks now, so I've been twice since my last post). Everything is still going well. My total weight gain is now up to 30 lbs - YIKES!! I've gained 4 lbs since my last appointment - 2 weeks ago! I was hoping I wouldn't go over 150, but since I'm at 144 with 8 weeks to go, I don't think that is even a possibility. But my doctor isn't concerned about it, and seems to think I'm right on track, so I guess I'll try to let relax!
I still haven't made any progress in the baby's room. I'm thinking about giving up TV for Lent again this year, and maybe that will encourage me to work on getting everything ready. I've decided not to stress about it though. The baby won't care where he or she is sleeping and whether or not the room is perfect. And the baby will still be coming whether I'm ready or not. Of course, having a baby shower would help too! Then I would have stuff to organize and put away! I'll be having 2 in March. One for my running group, and one for everyone else. I'm so excited!!!
I must say, I am REALLY missing my running group. I had to drop back from 3 days a week, to one day a week because it's just too uncomfortable - and because my prenatal aqua aerobics is on the same days that my group meets. I am absolutely loving the aqua class, though! It feels so good! But seeing my friends only once a week is hard! I feel so out of the loop! And pain - good grief. I've run a marathon for crying out loud - 26.2 miles. And sadly, that felt better than last Saturday's 4 mile walk... Special thanks to whoever that runner was that came and picked me and Kathy up on the side of road! I don't think I would have made it back those last 2 miles! I think from now on, my limit is 2 miles! While I'm not looking forward to the cold weather tomorrow, I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the Poker Run! I won't be running, but perhaps I will be a dealer! I'm thinking about bringing a special little friend with me to keep everyone encouraged and motivated - especially since the marathon group will have already run 9 miles before the Poker Run starts!
I'm also looking forward to Valentine's Day! Personally, I think the "holiday" as a whole is pretty lame, but I love finding ways to surprise my husband. His favorite dessert is Chocolate Mousse, so I'm going to make him some. I don't get caught up in wanting flowers, jewelry, chocolate, etc, but I love surprising Randy!!! I am probably one of very few people who really doesn't need presents (for anything - birthday, Christmas, Anniversary, etc) to be happy. As long as you acknowledge the day and spend time with me, I'm good! But I am always on the lookout for the perfect card/gift for others!!
Ok - I'm starting to ramble, so I'm going to get off here. I'll try not to go so long between posts next time! No promises though...
P.S. Does anybody know when I'm going to be able to breathe again?!?!?
The Vital Babymoon
7 months ago
haha. I could tell your breathing was a hard obstacle for you in class on Sunday. awwww... Just think of all the air you can suck in when the BOY is born. I am sure you are sick of people guessing the baby's sex. Sorry! It's just such a fun game, you see. Anyhoo, I can't believe you are still running and doing aerobics. I am so, so impressed. It takes this fat chick a week to get motivated to attend the gym once a week (if I am lucky) So, you have definitley become my inspiration!
Praying for you!
I am so glad to hear that everything is going well! I feel your pain on having to slow down a bit... My prenatal yoga is about all my body can take right now :)
I love how positive you are Candice. It reminds me how pessismistic I can be, and makes me work on it! Thank you for bringing me back to solid ground! Would you mind reading my entry today and answering some questions for me that I posted? It's baby talk! Ha! I am thinking you are the best person to answer them as of now!
I write you way to much, huh. I am sorry for the billion comments!!!!!! I have ONE last question. Do they make chewable prenatal vitamins, and if so, how do you get them? I can't swallow pills.
Hey... Missed you Sunday. Hope you are doing okay!
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